Yana Mckillop

In conversation with
Yana McKillop

Photography by
Oliver Marshall

Rika Studios Wardrobe

Where is home for you?

Dublin, where my family and I moved 3 years ago, but prior to that I had lived in three different places since leaving my home city at the age of 20. So i actually feel a bit like a nomad which was always something I found interesting to experience

What would you describe yourself as?

Mother, creative but a bit nerdy, introverted hedonist attracted to beauty.

What are you busy with at the moment?

I have been extremely busy with some exciting work projects lately which I love, but also always busy being a mom.

What's on your mind?

Trying to enjoy life as much as possible and to understand myself better - I fell like 30's is a good time in one's life.

What inspires your style?

Mostly classic cinema from the 50's and 60's - I love the elegance of the women. Then architecture, I love working with intersting shapes and volume. Art - for training the eye to see interesting details and unexpected colour combinations. I also have a storage of reference sin my head from watching music videos on MTV when I was a teenager and didn't have access to many other cultural outlets.

Summer Plans?

I decided to dedicate this summer to work, music and children. So I have some projects to work on, few tickets to gigs and an opera and I'm planning to take my children to see pompeii as I love telling them about ancient cultures (my childhood obsession).

What's in your wardrobe this summer?

I decided to dedicate this summer to work, music and children. So I have some projects to work on, few tickets to gigs and an opera and I'm planning to take my children to see pompeii as I love telling them about ancient cultures (my childhood obsession).

What are you reading?

This is where my nerdy side comes out - since i discovered Goodreads I've been setting myself reading challenges. I spent 3 long months trudging through The End Of History And the Last Man by Francis Fukuyama. Last night I finished reading The lives of Wives and now i'm onto a book of short stories by Jonathan Franzen.

How do you aim to inspire people around you?

I don't know to be honest, I don't really think of that but i suppose I would be happy to know that my journey might have inspired someone to pursue their dream of doing what they love.